Legal Updates

By Kevin Patrick|May 19, 2019|Articles,Firm Updates,Giving Back,News,Our Activities

Volunteering for the High School Mock Trial Competition National Championships

Volunteering to Help Aspiring Young Lawyers in Georgia The practice of law and being a lawyer goes well beyond the courtroom (or in some cases actually going back to the courtroom to help aspiring young lawyers). Georgia hosted the High School Mock Trial Program’s National Championships on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday in Athens. As an…

By Kevin Patrick|December 4, 2018|Articles,Firm Updates,News

We’re featured in the Wall Street Journal!

We were featured in the Wall Street Journal about the balancing compassion and professionalism with our clients, especially since we meet people under difficult circumstances. Here’s our quote: Attorney Kevin Patrick say that his specialty in personal injury cases warrants the more-than-occasional hug. “We’ll often encounter clients that are facing very tough and painful circumstances,” he says.  “I used to take…

By Kevin Patrick|July 26, 2018|Articles

What does a pretrial order look like for an automobile accident case in Georgia?

We take pride in preparing all of our cases for trial, and a number of those cases are automobile accidents. Once we finish up a process called discovery, which basically means that we exchange information with the other side through written questions, documents, and depositions (pretty much interviews), we will stipulate to a trial calendar,…

By Kevin Patrick|July 14, 2018|Articles,Firm Updates,News,Reflections

Getting Involved in the Legal Profession in Georgia

Our past few blog posts have focused on legal topics and advice, but the profession extends well-beyond the courtroom. Professional engagement is very important to us. I am the editor for the Litigation Section of the Atlanta Bar Association. A younger colleague of ours wrote a very engaging article for our newsletter. We wanted to…

By Kevin Patrick|June 26, 2018|Articles,News

What do I need to know about the new distracted driving law in Georgia?

How often have you seen people on the roads looking at their phones? You’ve probably even noticed that at stop signs people are glued to their screens and possibly even watching videos — Yes, it’s been happening more and more these days. While cell phones are handy devices, they are also causing a lot more…

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