Atlanta Child Nutrition Attorney

Food and nutrition are very important to a child’s development. When you send your children to a daycare facility in Atlanta, you expect them to follow all the state-regulated guidelines regarding proper food service and nutrition. Failure to do so can be a sign of negligence on the part of the facility, resulting in the potential for lawsuits and compensation claims.

If a child has received sub-standard food service or nutritional intake from a daycare center in Georgia, you may have recourse. Contact Kevin Patrick Law to help with the specifics of your case.

Why Choose Kevin Patrick Law?

If you discover that a daycare facility is not providing proper nutrition to their children, it is highly recommended to consult Kevin Patrick, an Atlanta child nutrition lawyer, that is experienced in daycare injury law. Kevin can:

  • Help you determine what evidence or facts are required to prove improper nutrition
  • Help you gather evidence that is pertinent to your case
  • Walk you through the legal process so that you understand what to expect
  • Determine who is liable for the negligence
  • Hold any liable parties fully accountable for their actions
  • Take care of all the legal work while you can focus on your family

An Atlanta child nutrition attorney, like Kevin Patrick, can essentially provide peace of mind during a potentially alarming time in your life.

Georgia Regulation about Food Service and Nutrition

Rule 591-1-1.15 of Bright from Start regulates the food service and nutrition at the facility. It not only requires the facility to comply with USDA Nutritional Guidelines, but also requires the children are served all meals and snacks scheduled for the period during which they are present. There are also some regulations about food safety, such as the facility should not serve food that might be dangerous to children less than 3 years old or serve unconsumed food to the children.

Some examples of common rule violations include:

  • Failing to provide children with regularly scheduled snacks and meals
  • Serving peanuts, hot dogs, raw carrots, fish with bones, and grapes to children less than 3 years old
  • Serving food to children that was previously served and not consumed at an earlier time

Can a Daycare Be Held Liable for Improper Food Service and Nutrition?

If a daycare facility or similar care provider is failing to provide children with the proper food and nutrition, they may be held fully liable for negligence. Because these guidelines are expressly required through state law, a failure to meet these requirements holds them fully accountable for their negligent actions.

Anybody whose children have not been properly fed at a daycare facility may be eligible for compensation through a daycare injury claim.

What Do I Do If I Suspect Improper Food Service & Nutrition?

If you discover that a daycare facility is not following the rule about food service and nutrition, be sure to report the incident to the Bright from the Start. Please also preserve any evidence that you have that shows the facility violated the food service and nutrition regulation. If a child of yours has been served an inadequate or sub satisfactory nutritious meal, you will also want to talk with an Atlanta child nutrition lawyer to work on your case.

Contact Us Today to See How We Can Help

Kevin Patrick is a seasoned daycare case lawyer. As a father himself, Kevin understand a child’s interest and a family’s concerns. He will fight for your case and get your children and your family a fair and just compensation. To schedule a free online consultation with a Kevin Patrick, an Atlanta child nutrition lawyer, contact us through our free online contact form, or call him at (404) 566-5880.

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