Atlanta Daycare Discipline Attorney

We expect children to be supervised properly in the facility. Additionally, if children are misbehaving, we expect competent daycare facilities to take proper disciplinary action to remedy the issue.

Unfortunately, some daycare facilities exercise improper disciplinary measures, resulting in harm and injury to children. If a child has been subjected to physical abuse, sexual abuse, or other improper discipline or criminal activity in the facility, please contact Kevin Patrick, anAtlanta daycare discipline lawyers today to discuss your case. You may be eligible for compensation due to the negligent and abusive actions of the daycare facility.

What is Prohibited Daycare Disciplinary Action?

In Georgia, The Bright from the Start: Georgia Department of Early Care and Learning has a rule that regulates the disciplinary action of the facility to children at the facility. Rule 591-1-1.11(1) states that the disciplinary actions shall not be detrimental to the physical or mental health of the child. Rule 591-1-1.11(2) further specifies some examples of prohibited disciplinary actions:

  • Physically or sexually abuse a child
  • Inflict corporal/physical punishment upon a child
  • Shake, jerk, pinch, or handle a child roughly
  • Verbally abuse or humiliate a child
  • Isolate a child in a dark room, closet, or other unsupervised areas
  • Use mechanical or physical restraints or devices to discipline children
  • Use medication to discipline or control children’s behavior without written medical authorization from doctor and parent’s written consent
  • Unreasonably restrict a child from going to the bathroom
  • Force-feed or withhold feeding a child scheduled meals and/or snack
  • Allow children to discipline or humiliate other children
  • Confine a child for disciplinary purposes

Disciplinary action may be required in certain circumstances in a daycare, but any action that is deemed unreasonable may be considered improper discipline or abuse in the eyes of the courtroom. The prohibited disciplinary actions outlined above can lead to daycare injuries.

Who is Liable for Improper Discipline in a Daycare Facility?

Generally, if a child is found to have been physically abused or improperly disciplined at a daycare facility, the facility itself may be held liable for any of the negligent damages. Although it may have been a staff member or employee who committed the abuse, the facility is the one who decided to hire the employee. Additionally, the facility may have prevented the action through proper training measures or initiatives. Therefore, in most cases the facility is the one who is primarily liable for any damages.

Contact Kevin Patrick, an Atlanta Daycare Discipline Attorney

If you have discovered that your child was disciplined improperly in the facility, please do not hesitate to reach out to Kevin Patrick, an Atlanta daycare discipline lawyer. Our law firm has worked on multiple daycare facility cases and we have the experience required to handle your disciplinary case. Kevin Patrick understands that this case is important to your family and you surely want to protect your kids. He will fight for your kids and your family to get fair compensation. For a free consultation to discuss the specifics of your case with Kevin Patrick, complete our online form, or call us at (404) 566-5880

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