All certified daycare facilities in the state of Georgia must fulfill requirements regarding staff training and supervision. A failure to uphold these requirements may hold the facilities liable for any harm or injuries that children suffer under the supervision of staff. Contact Kevin Patrick, an Atlanta negligent daycare supervision lawyer, for a free consultation. Our law firm is well-versed in the legal requirements of daycare centers and their duty to uphold supervision and training practices.
At Kevin Patrick Law, Kevin is an Atlanta negligent daycare supervision attorney that is here to offer a hand to individuals impacted by daycare employees with inadequate or negligent supervision. To contact Kevin Patrick, a daycare supervision lawyer, call us at (404) 566-5880 for a free consultation.
Daycare Facilities Are Liable for the Actions of Their Staff. As a result of Georgia’s regulations and laws, any harmful or abusive actions conducted daycare staff may result in the daycare facility being fully liable for the resultant harms. This may include any cases involving unsafe playgrounds, improper food and nutrition guidelines, and other instances of neglect and abuse.
By failing to properly train their staff and employees, daycare facilities have failed to provide children with a safe and healthy space. Therefore, they may be held accountable for any negligent actions by their staff. Kevin Patrick will investigate complaints and assist clients in resolving injuries caused by daycare negligence or inadequate training.
Georgia’s Bright from the Start has state-mandated laws on both staff training and supervision.
For supervision, The Child Care Learning Centers Rule 591.1.1-.32 requires that the children shall be supervised at all times. It also states that “Supervision means that the appropriate number of staff members are physically present in the area where children are being cared for and are providing watchful oversight to the children, chaperones, and Students-in-Training. The persons supervising in the child care area must be alert, able to respond promptly to the needs and actions of the children being supervised, as well as the actions of the chaperones and Students-in-Training, and provide timely attention to the children’s actions and needs.”
As for training, Rule 591.1.1-.33 requires that the staff should attend an initial orientation and also need to meet annual training hours. They should also receive first-year training if they are direct care staff for the children or responsible for food preparation.
A lack of proper staff training and adequate supervision at a daycare facility can result in potentially dangerous consequences, or daycare injuries, for any attending children. A lack of training can result in staff conducting activities that may otherwise not be allowed under normal regulations, and a lack of proper action or decision-making in certain situations.
Additionally, a lack of adequate supervision may result in a daycare facility not having enough resources to properly take care of all the children. This can result in neglect, abuse, and an inability to tend to the proper needs and actions of the children being supervised.
Please do not hesitate to contact us if your children experience any accidents in the daycare and you think the accidents happen because of a lack of training for the staff or insufficient supervision to your children. Kevin Patrick is a seasoned daycare case lawyer. As a father, Kevin Patrick understands your children’s interests along with your family’s concerns. He will fight for your case and get your children and your family a fair and just compensation. To discuss the specifics of an injury that resulted from inadequate training or a lack of supervision, contact or call our Atlanta negligent daycare supervision attorney Kevin Patrick at (404) 566-5880.
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